Do you feel the same too?
Lazy Sunday...
Waking up at eleven in the morning
Freshening up, but still yawning
Hunger is more and the energy low….
“Should I have breakfast or lunch now?”
Who cares about it anyway?
Life feels a waste sometimes on this lazy Sunday….
Pick up the laptop to check for mails…
Routine of checking new movies never fails….
Sit with friends and discuss just anything
Fight to watch your favourite show on tv
and end up seeing youtube videos and enjoying..
Life feels fun sometimes on this lazy Sunday…
Gobble up something in the name of dinner…
Play that last game online and declare yourself a winner…
Complain that the weekend is getting over….
Promising that we will not waste a weekend ever..
The promise which is kept never….
Life feels philosophical sometimes on this lazy Sunday…
-- Ritha Hegde