Thursday, April 9, 2015

Why cant I chew water and other questions

Just noticed that its been an year since I wrote anything here. Thought I should write to you about the questions I am being bombarded everyday these days. Some questions that leave me baffled. Some that I know answer to, and just dont know how to explain.

Scene one :

S : Why cant I chew water?
Me: Um...because they are too slippery to hold between teeth.
S: why are they slippery?
Me: they are slippery so that we can swallow them without chewing.
S: why do we need to 'not chew' something?
Me: sometimes people dont have those people can drink water.
S: why will some people not have teeth?
Me: babies wont have teeth. also some people might have lost teeth as they grow.
S: babies dont have teeth?
Me:  little babies dont.
S: then they cant eat chapathi?
Me: no
S: no vegetables and fruits?
Me: no
S: then how will they become big?
Me: they drink milk. milk will help them grow and also help them grow teeth.
S: babies can only drink milk?
Me: they can drink water too.
S: only milk and water?
Me: yes
S: why only milk and water?
Me: because they dont have teeth.
S: why they dont have teeth?
Me: babies will not have teeth for atleast 6 months old.
S: after  how many years will they be 6 months old?
Me: after "half" of an year.
S: how to make "half" of  an year?
Me: ummm when 6 months of an year are over, it is half of an year
S: how will 6 months be over?
Me: huh? i love you want to watch TV?
S: Yeaahh
Me: Yay!

Scene another :

S : Can you read this to me one more time?
Me: Noooo
S : Why not?
Me : Because we already read it 7 times now, and 10 times yesterday
S : This is not a good book?
Me : No putta, its great....but we should read other books too
S : Why?
Me : Read other books to see what other ones we can like
S :  Why?
Me : Because there are a lot of books out there
S : Why?
Me : Huh?
S : Why? (Calmly as ever)
Me : Beeeecause, there are lot of stories
S : But why are all the stories not in one book?
Me : Oh, that would make the book very  biiiig!
S : How big? Bigger than me?
Me : Yeah
S : Bigger than this house?
Me : Yeah
S : Bigger than earth?
Me : Yeah
S : Billion Trillion big?
Me : Yeah
S : How big?
Me : Lets read the book only one more time for today, okay?
S : Yeaaah :)

Scene Random Questions :

If I have to eat with spoon, why god gave us fingers instead of spoon?
If they dont flap their wings, then why do airplanes just have them?
