Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Time!!!!

Firsts in life are always to be remembered.....always to be cherished.

When there is a talk about first something, many think of the first kiss....but hey think over and there are thousands of other things which gave a great feeling when you had waited long for it and finally it was there...for the first time....and it continued to happen....but the beauty of the first time still remains...

The first day in school : I just dint want to go to school.....i cried, i shouted, just dint want to go out of the comfortable atmosphere at home to the world of strangers.But this particular first time happened again and again in my life as i went on changing my school every 3 to 4 years!!! Change I think is necessary in life....i changed my school and i got to meet many different people with different viewpoints.Was taught by many gr8 teachers too......

The first appreciation that I got : Be it verbal appreciation or a prize won in some competition, all are cherished....The first one definitely gives you the confidence to go in search of more.Have you ever seen the smile felt in your heart when a new person in your life tells you what you have done is great?Many of us deny this....but once you stop having the hunger to get appreciated, you just might stop venturing out for more wins...think over! We dont need flattery, but yes ofcourse our work shouldnt go unnoticed!

The first salary : Is this not one of the main things that our academic education aims at? A sound salary to lead a sound life....but we dont start off with the greatest salary possible in any industry....but the first salary, how much ever it is..its your money....its something you have earned.....something that you own completely...something precious as always.....the first one!
I just wonder how would some youngsters feel, who get their first salary much less than the pocket money they get at home. I dont say its their parents fault....its their child and they have every right to give them the best of facilities.....but still...would they also feel the same joy on getting their first salary as many others who dont come from a rich background would feel.

The firsts blog that I wrote : Well, on the internet this is the first one I have, but have one already in my company intranet. The joy of publishing my first post there and getting some comments there can never equal the feeling that I have now for posting something here.....

The firsts will always be cherished.


EveryLetterCounts said...

the first comment for your first blog on internet.. hmm.. i got to make it good.. or should i.. i really liked the topic.. it is a very good topic to start and very good for the first person commenting on it. well written.. just by reading it one can say that its by a girl :) keep typing and dont blame me if you didnt like this comment..

Unknown said...

Thanks for a nice comment...this one will be added to the 'firsts' list too :)

செந்தில் நாதன் Senthil Nathan said...
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EveryLetterCounts said...

maam... the first time was very good.. but we do want some second third and more such times.. so if you could please take time of your busy schedule and write some more posts it would be great to read...:)

Gaurav Srivastava said...

Well I wish I was the first to comment but then this was really sweet and true. But then even I did not think of the first kiss for sure. :-)
Happy Writing !!